The English School Of Asturias has a school nurse.

The English School Of Asturias has a school nurse.

Having a school nurse is essential to ensure the wellbeing and safety of our pupils. Therefore, for our school, Paula is an essential professional for the smooth running of the school, as she not only attends to medical emergencies and first aid, but also manages the administration of medication, especially for those pupils with chronic illnesses or severe allergies.
Children with diabetes need sugar monitoring and dietary adjustments, while those with coeliac disease require strict dietary restrictions to avoid gluten. Paula ensures that these needs are properly addressed, collaborating with the canteen to reduce risks and promote their health.


school nurse Asturias


In addition, Paula, our school nurse, provides health education, promotes healthy habits and collaborates with the teaching staff to identify and prevent health problems. Her presence ensures that any medical situation is dealt with immediately and professionally, offering peace of mind to parents and teachers.
This time we are going to talk about the prevention of damage caused by excess weight in school bags.

Paula, our school nurse, teaches us how to prevent damage caused by overweight school bags.

Excessive use of heavy school bags is a major health concern for children. Recent studies have shown that up to 60% of school children may be carrying more weight than recommended, with negative consequences in both the short and long term. These postural alterations can lead to muscle pain, back problems, and even persistent musculoskeletal disorders into adulthood.

Recommended weight and good practice

Experts agree that the weight of the backpack should not exceed 10-15% of the child’s body weight. When this limit is exceeded, the body adopts compensatory postures to support the weight, often putting strain on the neck, shoulders and back. In the long term, this strain can lead to more serious problems such as scoliosis or chronic back pain.
To reduce this risk, choosing the right backpack is key. It should be lightweight, have wide shoulder straps and padding that distributes the weight evenly. It is also recommended that backpacks have a waist belt to balance the load and reduce pressure on the spine. In addition, it is essential that children wear the backpack correctly, with both shoulder straps, not just on one side.


school nurse school asturias

Consequences of misuse of backpacks

Overweight backpacks can cause spinal deviations, kyphosis (hunchback), and scoliosis (side curvature). Data show that almost 30% of children may experience back pain related to the weight of their backpacks. The risk is even greater when ill-fitting backpacks are used or carried incorrectly, creating a muscular imbalance that has a negative impact on physical development.
It is important to avoid backpacks being loaded with unnecessary objects and to distribute the materials properly, placing the heaviest books closest to the back. In addition, the use of school trolleys may be a viable option for children who have to carry large amounts of material.

Preventive strategies and the role of education

Ergonomic backpacks, with features specifically designed for weight distribution, help to minimise the risk of injury. In addition, both parents and educators have an important role to play in educating children on how to carry their backpacks correctly and how to organise their contents. Engaging schools to provide storage spaces or lockers can also be an effective solution to prevent students from carrying too much weight throughout the day.
Encouraging proper posture when walking or sitting is equally essential. Performing physical exercises that strengthen the back muscles is an excellent preventive measure that helps to maintain a healthy and strong spine.
Excess weight in school bags is a real problem that affects a large number of students. While school supplies are necessary, it is essential that both families and schools encourage the use of light, well-organised and properly fitted backpacks. Awareness and implementation of these preventive strategies can make a difference and avoid health problems in the future.
For more information on this topic, see the School Nurses article.