Commitment to Comprehensive Development: Get to know the Psychopedagogy Guidance Department

Department of Educational Psychology & Guidance

Welcome to the Department of Educational Psychology & Guidance of our school!

We are a team committed to the well-being and holistic development of each of our students. We firmly believe in the importance of providing personalized and specialized support that promotes their academic, emotional, and social growth.

Our main goal is to create an environment of trust and understanding where students feel safe to express their concerns, overcome their difficulties, and reach their full potential. We work in collaboration with parents, teachers, and other professionals to design effective strategies that foster learning and positive development in our students.

In the Department of Educational Psychology & Guidance, we strive to promote autonomy, self-esteem, and a sense of belonging in each of our students. We value diversity and individuality, recognizing the unique strengths of each person and providing the necessary support to overcome challenges that may arise in their educational journey.

We are here to accompany, guide, and enhance the personal and academic growth of our students, thus contributing to the creation of an inclusive, enriching school environment full of opportunities for all.

We are excited to embark on this journey to work together in building a bright future for each of our students!

  • What are the distinctive characteristics of the approach of the school’s Department of Educational Psychology & Guidance?

The focus is on helping students develop the capacity to be autonomous, critical individuals with values and motivation to learn and improve in their environment. Respecting different learning paces is crucial. Learning through manipulation and experimentation is not exclusive to the early stages of education but is intended to be the means through which all students acquire their learning in a creative and motivating way. We aim to ensure that subjects are not isolated bubbles and that all aspects worked on are interconnected, with a sense of wholeness for the students.

  • How is the diversity of students addressed and inclusion promoted?

Efforts are made for support offered to students with special needs to primarily come from within the classroom. Here, needs are taken into account, and through differentiation and flexibility, the aim is for students to reach their goals. Classrooms work on understanding diversity and inclusive acceptance of all students by the entire educational community.

  • What type of support do you offer for the personal and academic development of students?

From Nursery onwards, individualized and group work is done in class with clear objectives to develop not only academic but also personal aspects, crucial throughout the time from ages 3 to 18 when they are forming as individuals and in society. PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education) and tutorial hours are moments to work on these aspects and values, but support is provided in every period, in every break, in every mealtime, moments where their personality is shaped and supported.

Participation of the school community as encouraged by the Psychopedagogy Guidance Department

  • How is parental involvement encouraged in the school community?

Families are welcome at all times, as we believe they entrust us with their children, who spend many hours of their day at school. We always listen to their opinions and contributions and engage in dialogues about their concerns. The current family forum allows us to hear the main demands and concerns of each school year and address them, as well as make necessary adaptations.

Secondary school teachers, as well as the technical director, guide and assist students in the decision-making process for higher education and with university application procedures, both in Spain and abroad. Students are guided in choosing their elective subjects according to their individual characteristics and preferences, through individual interviews and tests that help them make decisions. They attend talks by professionals from various disciplines or even former students, allowing them to learn firsthand about personal experiences and what each profession entails. They attend university fairs with the school, and some universities visit the school to explain their study plans.

  • How is student progress and performance evaluated, and how are the results communicated to parents?

Teachers assess performance and progress following the guidelines set by the curriculum. When teachers refer any difficulty in a student’s progress, whether academic or in their attitude or performance, the guidance department evaluates the student with psychoeducational assessments conducted through standardized tests. Additionally, personalized monitoring is conducted, as the students we work with have a weekly work session that allows for closer evaluation of progress. Regular contact with parents is maintained, with teaching and guidance teams always available to update progress, either through face-to-face meetings, phone contact, or online means.

Special programs of the Psychopedagogy Guidance Department

  • What programs are available for students with special needs?

We use resources to work on reading, mathematics, sciences, etc., for those who need more individualized support to understand and work on the content, as well as for those who need to work at a more advanced level. These groups are open and flexible, accommodating all students who have a specific need, whether temporary or throughout their schooling, at a given time.

We also work with specific programs focused on dyslexia or dyscalculia that are applied individually or in small groups.

  • What kind of problems or situations can the Department of Educational Psychology & Guidance address, and how can they help students?

Academic, social, and emotional needs are primarily addressed and supported. Relevant evaluations are conducted in each case, and the most appropriate educational response required for each situation is provided.

  • What strategies do school psychologists use to promote students’ emotional and social well-being?

Promoting emotional and social well-being is the responsibility of all members of the school community, and we all play a significant role in one way or another, with simple (yet crucial) aspects such as greeting students with a smile when they arrive at school or serving them food, as well as with specific actions to help them in their social inclusion and emotional development.

School psychologists are another link to support both students and teachers in emotional and social aspects. Receiving concerns from parents or teachers enables us to offer specific guidelines for each case. Analyzing each particular case meticulously with all the information from the environment is crucial. We can work directly with students or through teachers and tutorials, where strong emphasis is placed on working on these aspects from an early age, as they are constantly forming and developing.